I am sitting here at my computer, confessing my sins. I got
angry last night. Now I can get tussled about quite often, but generally I hold
my peace; I can usually shake off what is bothering me and move on. Last night
was not one of those times.
I have a 16 year old son, and he is a driver, but he does
not have a car and we only have one car that we all share. Now usually on
Saturday I take the car to work (I generally take my bike), so I can come home
and have lunch with my wife (the crowd says “awe”). She will then take me back
to work, and then she will do her shopping for the next week. That has been the
routine since I have had this schedule.

I lost it. I did not start yelling, but my wife did say I
was throwing a fit (didn’t someone say he was an adult earlier… humph).
I went to bed and I had a very
restless night sleep, and I woke up this morning in a rather bad mood. I stomped
around the kitchen, chanted as my mantra “I don’t want to go to work,” and
grumbled about not being able to take the car (Adult: I say again humph).
I sat down at my computer, and
started to settle down, and I realized I was acting as a child. I started
making a list of apologies I needed to give, did a little work and my time to
leave approached.
I went out to my mode of
transportation, and my front tire was as flat as a pancake. Now I really felt
bad, because my wife would have to take me to work and I would be disrupting her sleep.
So this is the lesson I have
gleaned from that experience.
First, plans can change, and being
rigid about your plans can make you break. So I must not be so set in what I am
doing that I cannot make allowances for variation.
Second, resolve the problem –
before going to sleep. Waking up the next morning feeling upset will only be
overshadowed by feeling tired.
Lastly, be grateful for what you
have, because you never know when you might have a “flat.”